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Changes underway at Grimsby town hall

Town of Grimsby

Hydro boards shuffled, live stream capabilities in works for council chambers

By Mike Williscraft


A meeting of the recently shuffled Grimsby Energy Board of directors will be held Friday morning at town hall to approve a series of changes.

“We are going to open things up,” said Mayor Jeff Jordan of the processes under which hydro has operated, adding the meeting is not public.

Throughout the recent election campaign, Jordan made it a cornerstone of his platform to open up things with the Town’s hydro utility and at town hall.

Many changes have been implemented on the various hydro boards, including the replacement of all those no longer on town council.

Key among the changes is the resignation of Sean Straughan on the Grimsby Energy Board. He will be replaced by Rob Hattin. Shafee Bacchus will remain as chair of the GE board.

Also with that board, Delight Davoli will replace Bob Bentley as a director; Lianne Vardy will replace Carolyn Mullins and Jim Howden will replace Steve Berry.

For all hydro changes, check


As well, getting the council chamber geared up to accommodate the live streaming of council meetings was set in motion Monday night at the Finance Committee meeting.

Jordan noted that some of the electronics are already in place from the town hall renovation, but about $35,000 in new equipment is needed.

“This is just one of the changes we’re making but we are far behind other municipalities. The live streaming will put us on a par with other Niagara municipalities,” said Jordan.

“We talked about doing this 12-15 years ago when I was on council, but nothing happened.”


Moved by Councillor Freake

Seconded by Councillor Kadwell

Resolved that the Council for the Corporation of the Town of Grimsby, having given due consideration to the recommendation from the Working Committee, makes the following changes to the following Boards of Directors, effective immediately:

For Niagara Power Inc. (NPI)

Sean Straughan is replaced with Kurt Whitnell

Robert Bentley is replaced with Jeff Jordan

Glen King – no change

For Grimsby Power Inc. (GPI)

Joseph Panetta – no change

Robert Bentley is replaced with Dave Kadwell

Steve Berry is replaced with Reg Freake

Shafee Bacchus – no change

John Bald – no change

Thomas Beach – no change

Glen King – Shareholder Representative (Appointed by FortisOntario) – no change

For Grimsby Energy Inc. (GEI)

Shafee Bacchus – no change

Sean Straughan is replaced with Rob Hattin

Robert Bentley is replaced with Delight Davoli

Carolyn Mullins is replaced with Lianne Vardy

Steve Berry is replaced with Jim Howden

For 1938427 Ontario Inc. (HoldCo2)

Shafee Bacchus – no change

Robert Bentley is replaced with Delight Davoli

Carolyn Mullins is replaced with Lianne Vardy

Steve Berry is replaced with Jim Howden

Michelle Seaborn is replaced with Rob Hattin

For Grimsby Hydro Inc. (GHI)

Delight Davoli is appointed

Be it further resolved that the Council of the Town of Grimsby thanks the replaced board members for their time and their commitment to the community.

Be it further resolved that all board appointments will be reviewed by Council in the first or second quarter of 2019.

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