
NewsNow E-Edition April 18 2024 – View Online

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West Niagara fire departments join to fight WL barn blaze

Firefighters pull the roof off of a burning barn.
West Lincoln firefighters Lt. Mark Urie (left) and Capt. Adam Shaw pull down part of a roof in their effort to contain and put out a barn fire on South Grimsby Road #14 on Wed. Nov. 20. Although the flames caused an estimated $750,000 in damages, the firefighters succeeded in keeping it contained to one section of the barn. There were no injuries. For more information on the fire, turn to page 3. Marks – Photo

By Tristan Marks

West Lincoln Firefighters were able to limit damage but could not save part of a barn during a blaze which broke out Wed. Nov. 20


Firefighters responded to a fire on South Grimsby Road 14 near Fulton – with support from Grimsby and Lincoln.

The call came in about 1 p.m. for a fire which broke out in an older section of a barn used for livestock on Vellhaven Farms.

West Lincoln deputy fire chief Tim Hofsink said the firefighting effort was successful in preventing the fire from spreading from its initial starting point.

“Our firefighters did a good job containing the fire to the older section of the barn,” he said.

The part of the barn that burned down was of an older, wooden construction. The rest of it was a newer expansion using “lightweight materials”, Hofsink explained.

There were no injuries or causalities, however two goats died in the fire.

Hofsink said the cause of the fire remains undetermined.

“Due to the damage to the building the likelihood of pinning it to any one cause is unlikely,” he said.

Hofsink noted that the section of the building where the fire occurred was used for mixing feed from adjacent grain silos for the livestock.

The fire department was unable to confirm if the property was insured. Damage was estimated at $750,000.

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