
NewsNow E-Edition April 18 2024 – View Online

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Local youth organize Black Lives Matter rally in Grimsby

Local Grimsby youth have organized a rally to stand in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement, which will take place at Centennial Park on Friday from 12 noon to 2 p.m. The rally aims to gather people together to stand against injustice and police brutality.

This was all initiate by the team work of local teens Connor Veerman, Maddox Nasu, Breadyn Halpeny and Cadance Babcock.

Connor, who initially came up with the idea, said this was a reaction to the current political events unfolding in the United States.

“We really wanted to hold a rally to spread some awareness,” said Veerman. “We’re trying to show people that racism happens everywhere. We also want people to feel equal by showing our support.”

While the issues of racism and injustice have not been at the forefront in Canada, let alone Grimsby, Connor said it still exists and needs to be called out.

“People aren’t saying things outright in the open,” said Veerman. “But they might say things in private and act in ways that make targets of racism feel uncomfortable. We don’t see it because it’s not blatant.”

The rally will feature speakers including humanitarian MacNeil Lashley.

Health and safety will be a high priority. Attendees will be required to observe social distancing rules and wearing a face mask is highly encouraged.

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