
NewsNow E-Edition April 18 2024 – View Online

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GBF seeks to expand volunteer force

By Mike Williscraft

Like every organization and business, Grimsby Benevolent Fund has felt the impacts caused by COVID-19 and the repeated shutdowns which have accompanied fluctuating levels.

Those involved with community groups realize they are also only as strong as the volunteer base which drives them.

Right now, GBF needs to enhance its volunteer core.

“We are in need of more volunteers as many of our volunteers have not returned due to the COVID pandemic,” said Stacy Elia, GBF’s executive director.

“Many will hopefully return once they receive their second vaccine. “
The vacuum for volunteers is being felt as the operation re-opens combined with greater demand in the community which GBF provides. In short, it is not a good time to be short on those who give of their time to make the place go.

“Our operations are increasing and the community is very supportive but it’s been difficult to maintain the operations especially in processing the retail donations,” noted Elia.

“Normally, we would have at least 70 volunteers in daily and we have half that.”

Anyone considering helping out, she added, should know there is a full set of safety guidelines strictly adhered to both for volunteers and those coming into the building.

“We have protocol in place and volunteers are required for screening at the door,” said Elia, adding the time commitment can be minimal and the tasks needed are not onerous.

“We need help restocking food bank shelves and processing household needs in the food bank. As far as commitment, we will work with the volunteer’s time commitment. Ideally there are two shifts. But even if you have only a couple of hours we would love for people to join our team. It’s a very rewarding experience.

For more information, or to offer your time and support, call 905-309-5664.

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